Some advantages would probably be dedicated support, professional setup, and a polished application from Trimlights.
It's much pricier than I'd like and I feel like I can do a DIY for significantly cheaper but I haven't priced it out yet. (separated post quote by me, included in costs above) Install Trimlight control box and power supply in garage. The install area is for BOTH SIDES OF THE HOUSE - 66' *Standard White Channel (8) Jumps (2) Peaks (2)*Diode Strands (4) Time and material to install Trimlight accent lighting. The install area is for the FRONT OF THE HOUSE, and the front of the attached garage - 123' -2.) *Standard white Channel (15) Jumps (5) Peaks (2)*Diode Strands (7) 1) Time and material to install Trimlight accent lighting.